A personal message from Lauren Dolan

My name is Lauren Dolan, President of WICT UK, and I am thrilled to introduce you to our 2021 programme for women across Cable, Telecom, Media and Broadcast industries.

Since the formation of the UK Chapter, we have laid the groundwork in creating a diverse organisation that supports, develops and enables women to thrive in their careers.

As we look ahead to 2021 and beyond, WICT UK will further refine our value proposition and programme to accommodate changes in our industry and virtual world. 

The cornerstones of our programme will centre around connection, development, mentoring and learning platforms. 

 For many, 2021 is filled with new hope and a new sense of optimism.  Learning, supporting and growing together encompasses the power of our WICT community.

 We invite all existing and prospective members and sponsors to leverage every opportunity that WICT UK offers, and of course we invite men to take part as well.  Stay tuned for more information!

Lindsay Rodgers