Creating New Horizons
WICT UK’s first event of 2023 saw Sarah Golley our Mentoring co-chair hosting a panel discussion with Julie Fedele, Anne Nguyen and David Boycott about the future of technology in our industry and how it impacts ours careers.
Key takeaways were:
keeping pace in a climate where technology is changing rapidly
we need to be life-long learners to take advantage of new opportunities
build a network, connect with people you can learn from
invest in personalised development with a mentor or coach
be prepared to change and stay curious
Feedback on the event was overwhelmingly positive with the majority of members finding the event very useful. Our members are requesting more events with personal development topping the list of types of events you would like us to see. We will be taking this feedback into our programming committee so watch this space for news soon!
with thanks to our sponsors